OK... So I was on lost boys and i_pride_i Aka Travis had kicked Hjaiv out of ninja because he is bad at pvp... (this is true but that's not the point.) Hjaiv is angry, and has all right to be. But he is swearing (he should not have been) and pride muted him. When Hjaiv is un-muted, he continues to talk about how he wants to be in ninja. pride now begins to bully Hjaiv and say things like: "UMADBRO?". I know this is wrong already and I tell pride to shut the hell up and stop bullying Hjaiv. he just tells me to Shut up myself. They continue to argue and I am doing my own thing... When i_pride_i tells Hjaiv to RAGE HANG HIMSELF. I know this is just A game, but honestly? that is a threat and I think that Pride deserves a significant punishment. Including demotion, jailing or banning him. This is not the first time I have see Pride being Abusive (or as he calls it "trolling.. but I think this is worse than a troll.) to other players.
[EDIT]: I go on again and tell people to read the post and Pride calls me "Stupid" And rights: "xD" after it
[EDIT]: Forget this Post... it was a misunderstanding. I talked o Hjaiv. I misunderstood what was going on. Sorry pride
[EDIT]: I go on again and tell people to read the post and Pride calls me "Stupid" And rights: "xD" after it
[EDIT]: Forget this Post... it was a misunderstanding. I talked o Hjaiv. I misunderstood what was going on. Sorry pride
Last edited by mopper2 on Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total